Saturday 11 April 2009

World Economy Crisis

I've chosen this problem because I think that it's the most acute issue nowadays. Almost everyone on our planet is affected by the crisis. And so far there is no solution... Let's see how the crisis affected Global Health!

The sudden fiscal downfall all over the world has brought great impacts on health and monetary expenditures particularly in the developing countries. The last four months have been pessimistic in the status of the world economy bringing continuous depreciation in the financial markets leading to the lowest level ever. This growing economic crisis has proved the predictions made on financial crisis some days prior to the Washington meeting of the G20 leaders almost precise. The financial crisis has hit globally and has brought equally impacts on health and social conditions all over the world.
Countries with low income are going through solid effects of the fiscal crisis which has induced low export demand, rigid monetary use, reduction of direct foreign investment and, decline of payments. Unemployment has equally taken over due to recession. Society services are continuously under pressure which also endangers health crisis with including pressure from the government revenues to be unable to help them. Budgets on health are known to be cut down in seven ministries of health in Africa which is really a bad effect.
Down fall of money value has raised the value of imports which may diversely affect the costs of life saving medicines which may either be out of stock or having overstated prices.

On the other hand the high income countries are busy investing on health and pension programs. Number of reforms and revolutionary measures are taken by the political parties as a challenge to bring stability and steadiness in the society. As the financial crisis is taking roots in the society the government is more concerned about the future to save their resources for the upcoming adverse effects of the present crisis and to shield the needs of the elderly persons.

It's hard to foretell the consequences and future development of the crisis. Only one thing is absolutely clear - Global Crisis is called "Global" because this is the problem for everyone of us. We'll be very happy to see the end of the Crisis. =)