Wednesday 18 March 2009

Ecological problems

Today the state of ecology leaves much to be desired. Though, the science is becoming very popular. The word “ecology” comes from the Greek “oikos” which means “home”. So when we speak about “ecology” it presupposes our whole planet with its population, nature, flora and fauna, every living thing, at last, and even the atmosphere which surrounds the planet. From ancient times people got accustomed to the fact that nature provides them with all they need. For the centuries people lived with harmony with nature. However, the industrial revolution changed the situation a lot. Building more and more factories and plants caused an irreparable harm by polluting the planet.

Breathing its air, drinking water and using land for planting – theses factors have a great influence upon people’s health. That’s why I consider pollution as an acute issue of the world. It’s the main reason of the demography crisis and the decrease of the population all over the world.

Every year about 1000 tons of the industrial dust and other substances are thrown in the atmosphere. Megalopolises are covered with clouds of smog. In industrial cities exhausted gases of cars are one of the principal reasons of pollution. In Africa and Asia forests are cut down foe Europe and the USA. The loss of the forest tracts destroys the balance of oxygen of new vacant territories. Lakes and rivers are dying up. The pollution of air and oceans, as well as the destruction of the ozone layer, which is becoming more and more thin – these problems have appeared because of irrational people’s attitude to nature.

The processes of urbanization and industrialization – beginning from uncontrolled throwing of rubbish till poisoning the ground with nitrates (which form manure) and escape of industrial and domestic scraps – have a noticeable effect upon people’s state of health.

Constantly, year by year, the quantity of epidemics (officially registered) is growing. The main reason is water-supply, to be particular, the state of water. Paradoxically, the water in cities is much better than one from the countryside. Commonly, the water doesn’t often correspond to bacteriological standards. Moreover, three or four times there is an accidental pollution of water.
According to statistics, in cities with population smaller than 50000 people, about 70 of them yearly die from bronchitis, pneumonia and other infectious diseases of bronchi. Unfortunately, it’s only because of the air pollution.

Evidently, it’s a must to start to control this pollution, take urgent measures to reduce it. Protection of the environment is a care of all of us. It’s necessary to found universal system of ecological safety. There are several of them in the world. One, UNO (United Nations Organization), consists of 159 countries, which regularly organize conferences to discuss and solve the problems of ecology.

To my mind, it would help a lot if we start opening more and more national parks all over the world and to make people strictly follow laws protecting the environment. Still, the most effective way is just informing people. Unless they wake up, earth will perish.


Nympha_Nivis said...

heh...)It seems to me, that there will be no end of dicussing this issue.)It's not a critical note, it's just my humour.)))Actually, the topic is not funny, it's urgent as it was and as it will be in future.

Julia said...

I hope that thanks to this composition we will again think hard about our ecology))well done!

julia said...

I really like the first sentense, because it exactly expresses my thoughts on this theme.
I see that you studied some papers or other sources before writing your report. That's great, because you showed us in numbers the importance of this problem. In your report I've found some information useful for me.