Saturday 21 March 2009

“Lonely, I’m so lonely…” (Akon)

To tell the truth at first I wanted to write about pollution, deforestation, poaching, etc. about something so important for our nature, for our world, for future generations and, of course for us; about things that we do not think much of, even though we have been discussing them every year since the fifth form. But then, I’ve changed my intention and decided to write about one problem that from my point of view is extremely burning, however, usually we do not pay much attention to it and some people even do not consider it to be an acute issue. What I am talking about is loneliness. Solitude has different consequences, effects, forms and quantity. Perhaps, that sounds a bit odd, but I hope things will come clear along the composition.
Unfortunately, all of us have faced the feeling of being extremely lonely at least once in our lives. This feeling is difficult to bare and it is much more difficult to overcome it. Every person tries to find his own ways how to get over it. And here actually the problem become more and more serious, because very often the wish of getting ride of loneliness can lead to even more dangerous and terrible consequences than the problem itself.
For example to suicide. Some people just can not find strength to fight against this feeling, against being alone. What is really awful from my point of view is that people can be absolutely lonely among lots of people, even those who call themselves “friends”.
Other people trying to defend themselves change the real world for virtual reality, so called gamers. They devote all their time to playing computer games, where they can be somebody else, where things are more colourful, where the rhythm of live is more intensive, where everything is so bright, where they can save the world and be somebody important, where they “meet friends” and those who understand them. Virtual world give them chance to find new emotions and forget about their problems in the real world. Such people decide themselves to be alone, but actually they make this decision because they do feel solitude in the real world. The problem of computer addiction is very actual and burning nowadays. And not only children and teenagers suffer from this “disease”, but adults also do.
There is one more problem caused by solitude that I wanted to mention. Frankly speaking, it is not one it consist of several parts, moreover most people or even all people do not think that it is a problem and of course nobody can consider it to be a consequence of loneliness. I am talking about communication through the Internet, different sites such as Vkontakte and ICQ. Probably you think that I have mixed something up, because these things help people to communicate. How the person having two hundred friends in the list can be lonely or the person who spends 10 hours a day chatting can be lonely and suffer from solitude. Actually, can. Such sites give illusion that the person is not alone, that he has a lot of friends, however, very often it happens that this person do not know 20% of those who call themselves “friends” and do not communicate at all with 75% of them. Communication with the help of ICQ on the one hand gives chance always be in touch, on the other it substitute the real talk with people, friends. Often people who use ICQ even can not imagine that it is possible to meet with people and talk with them face to face; they do not even consider this idea to be an option. Of course, I must admit that this means of communication have a lot of advantages, but nevertheless.
So, undoubtedly problems of pollution, deforestation, poaching are really important, but we talk too much about them but do so little, because they are far from us (at least we believe that it is so). Solitude is around us, everyday, though we do not notice it. But we can do something to solve it and foresee the consequences. At least, we must be more attentive to those who are around us and if we need help ourselves we should ask for it. And at last we should learn to be real friends.


Nympha_Nivis said...

I was glad to see smth new in the so-called topic "global issues"...Thank you) Like it very much. Especially the epithet "burning"))) loneliness is really close to me and I've found something about myself))Hmm...
i've noticed some mistakes with the third person singular like the problem becomeS, it consistS...
Nevertheless, well-done)

Eugenia said...

I should say that the topic of your article really attracts attention and of course it is ,in some way, closer to us than other ones.In fact, I don't percieve loneliness as aproblem.I think if a person is lonely , it means he doesn't want to let people in his life.Anyway, I absolutely agree about the problem with the Internet communication

julia said...
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julia said...

Thanks a lot for your work! Really well-done. Before I read your report, I didn't consider loneliness to be a problem, and, of course, I had no idea that it can be called a global problem. Actually, I didn't even think much about it.
Now, I've changed my mind. It's perhaps the most urgent problem of our society, because it has really awful consequences. They are so, because in this case a person does harm not to someone else but to himself. I mean a person destroys himself gradually, he losts a part of himself becoming a crazy gamer or trying to replace reality by virtual life.
So, the problem is burning, because it makes our society sick.
I'm really interested in one point. Where did you get this percentage? Is it precise?
And one more thing. I absolutely disagree with Eugenia. If it's not a problem, what loneliness is?

Kate said...

I join all the commentators and can say that it's very nice that you've mentioned such an urgent problem. It has always been actual and now I see that it's obviously NOT less important than some other global problems of our society. The feeling of being lonely may be close to everyone, even to those who are surrounded by a lot of people. Your work is really worth reading and discussing and the ways of solution should be found if it's possible.